Three Jokers


In "Batman: Three Jokers," Batman, along with his allies Batgirl (Barbara Gordon) and Red Hood (Jason Todd), investigates the existence of three different Jokers who have appeared simultaneously. The story delves into the psychology of the Joker and his complex relationship with Batman, Batgirl, and Red Hood. Throughout the series, Batman and his allies confront each of the three Jokers and unravel the mystery behind their identities and motives.

The series not only explores the nature of the Joker but also delves into the impact that the Joker has had on Batman and his allies over the years. It received praise for its art, storytelling, and exploration of the dynamic between Batman and the Joker.

**All shirts are custom made to order, and will take about 2 weeks to ship**

[boxy] tees have a slightly oversized fit.
